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United or Untied? The Need for Church Unity

Who is the most important member of your church? Who is the least important member? Hold that thought.

Two words “united” and “untied” have exactly the same letters. Transpose the middle two letters and you can go from united to being untied. The key is the position of the “i”.

Unity vital in any endeavor. Work, war, and wedlock all need unity among employees, soldiers, and between husband and wife if there is to be unity. Jesus desires the same for His Church: In his high priestly prayer of John 17, he prayed concerning his followers: “that they may be one as we are one.” Unity is the great need of most churches today.

Fifteen years ago in one of my interim pastorates, at the first staff meeting, I handed out 8 index cards and 8 sealed envelopes. I asked each staff member to write down one word on their index card that best described the greatest need of their church. I told them the only word they cannot write is “prayer.” I then asked each one to share his or her word. Four wrote the word “unity” and the other four wrote a synonym for unity. They had identified the key need of their church. I then asked them to open the sealed envelope I had given them. Inside each envelope was a card with one word written on it: unity. We had our marching orders.

Unity is not union. Two cats with their tails tied together by string and thrown over a clothesline have lots of union, but they certainly have no unity. Unity is not uniformity. Trying to get people to dress alike, think alike, talk alike, will not bring unity.

Paul said in Ephesians 4:3 that ever Christ is to be diligent “to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Translate the “of” as “produced by” and you will get the idea. Church unity is not created by church members. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit. But church members can either maintain that unity or disrupt it. The key to unity in the local church is Jesus.

Remember our question earlier? Who is the most important member of your church? Jesus! Who is the least important? You!

If you take 100 concert pianos and tune the first, then tune the second to the first, the third to the second, and so on until you get to the 100th piano, what do you have? One hundred out of tune pianos! But if you take one tuning fork and tune all 100 pianos to one fork, they will all be in tune. Try to tune your life to others in the church, and everybody will be out of tune. But if you tune your life to Jesus, and if every church member does the same, there will be unity in that church!

What will it be? United or Untied?

© 2024 by Dr. David Allen.

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