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My Recent ETS Paper – "Calvin and the Extent of the Atonement"

Last week at the Evangelical Theological Society meeting in Providence, Rhode Island, I delivered a paper on 21st century research on Calvin’s view of the extent of the atonement. The paper is an edited summary of two sections in my book The Extent of the Atonement: A Historical and Critical Review (Nashville: B&H Academic, 2016). The paper is 20 pages.

A growing number of scholars have critiqued arguments that Calvin held to limited atonement and have presented overwhelming evidence that Calvin held to unlimited atonement. My paper covers the work of David Ponter, Kevin Kennedy, Pieter Rouwendal, Paul Hartog, and myself.

Ponter offers a salient critique of both Roger Nicole and Tom Nettles. Kennedy, Rouwendal, and Hartog all present arguments for Calvin’s adherence to universal atonement. I evaluate and critique Richard Muller and Paul Helm on the subject.


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