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“How I Preach”

A few years back, Abe Kuruvilla, Professor of Preaching at Dallas Theological Seminary, was kind enough to include me in his interview series “How I Preach” which appears on his website Abe is a consummate homiletician and author of many books, including Privilege the Text: a Theological Hermeneutics for Preaching. I encourage all preachers to get this book and read it carefully.

In the interview, I respond to 30 questions about my preaching. The interview includes such questions as:

Who or what made you want to preach?

Who are you most indebted to for making you the preacher you are (besides God)?

What is your most used English Bible version?

What software do you use for sermon preparation?

What is the one word that best describes how you prepare to preach?

What is the one word that best describes how you preach?

What tools/aids for sermon prep can’t you live without?

Where do you go for illustrations and how do you store them?

What is your sermon prep routine?

Do you use props in sermons?

Do you use notes in preaching?

How has your preaching improved over time?

What do you listen to while you work?

Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?

What are you currently reading?

What is your favorite food?

What do you do when you aren’t involved in preaching-related activities?

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

© 2024 by Dr. David Allen.

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